Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Rambling- shots,composition.

They decided to produce Brokeback Mountain in Academy aperture 1.85:1 aspect ratio. The cinematographer explains, "The more vertical composition allowed us to focus attention on body language, how the actors stood and used their hands. It was also right for mountains in the backgrounds and small towns in the story."Prieto says that he and Lee used paintings and photographs as visual references during pre-production. They looked at Richard Avedon's portraits of people whom he photographed at 20-year intervals. They also looked at Ansel Adams' photos, and paintings by Andrew Wyeth and Edward Hopper for insights into filming landscapes.

Territorial space within the frame can be manipulated with considerable psychologcal complexity. Whena figure leaves the frame for example the camera can adjust to this sudden vacuum in the composition by panning slightly to make allowances for a new balance in weight. Or the camera can remain stationary, thus suggesting a scense of loss symbolized by the empty space that the character formerly occupied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fabulous. what lense do you think these are?